How do I protect my computer from viruses?

In the digital age, protecting your computer from threats like viruses is paramount. Prevention is always better than a cure in such cases. 

Key Protection Measures

  1. Antivirus Software: Install reputable antivirus software and keep it updated. 
  2. Safe Browsing Habits: Avoid dubious websites and refrain from downloading unverified files. 
  3. Firewall: Ensure it’s activated to block malicious incoming and outgoing traffic. 
  4. Regular Updates: Keep your OS and software updated to patch vulnerabilities. 
  5. Backup: Regularly back up your data to protect against data loss. 

By staying vigilant and employing the above precautions, you can ensure a safer digital environment.

If you require further help or advice, please feel free to use “Ask Clive“, our PC Repair AI assistant or visit our FAQ.

#VirusProtection #DigitalSafety #NorthNorfolkTech #Cybersecurity #SafeComputing

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